What is Lost Life ?

Lost Life is one of most the popular game and you can play this game on your Android phones and tablets. It is also known for the story changes based on the choices while you are playing the game. This game contains mix adventure as some scary moments, and a lots of surprises. You also get to explore around in the game, like looking for clues or solving puzzles, which can help you make better choices. You will meet characters in the game and talk to them, and how you interact with them can change the story too.  Players get to decide what happens in the game, which means every time you play, the story could turn out differently.

Lost Life is a game that is very horror and intense. It is like a scary movie. The game uses spooky sounds and dark places to make you feel scared. Sometimes, things suddenly appear to make you jump. There are also strange things in the game, like ghosts, which make it scarier. The story of the game can be a bit dark and serious too. Itis all about making you feel like you are in a scary movie. So, this game is great for people who like to be scared and enjoy spooky stories.

App Name

Lost Life


164 MB

File Type



Shikstoo Games



Android Required



3D Simulation Game



Updated On

3 hours ago

Lost Life

Requirements For Lost Life APK

Lost Life APK is a game and you can play it on Android phones. To play it, your phone should have a new version of Android, enough space to download the game, and good memory of almost 2GB RAM and 8GB ROM required to run this game on your phones smoothly. You must need the best internet to download it. Also, you have to let your phone install apps from websites, not just the app store.

Key Features of Lost Life APK

Here are few key features of lostlife apk and we discuss these all features with short note.

3D Graphics: The game contains 3D graphics, offering a more attractive and visually experience. These 3D graphics can make this game is environment and characters look more lifelike and engaging.

Use Free: Lost Life APK is totally free game to use, means that players can download and start playing without paying any cost. This makes it very popular with the audience.

Intuitive Controls: To make it easy this game is designed with intuitive controls, So the players can navigate and interact with the game world, even for those who are not very experienced with gaming world.

Multiple Endings: Lost Life offers multiple endings. This means the decisions you make throughout the game can lead to different outcomes, adding to its replay value.

Ads Free: This game is ads free and without the distraction of advertisements. This feature is often appreciated by players who prefer a more immersive experience.

Horror Elements: Lost Life APK includes horror elements which create suspenseful atmosphere. This can involve scary scenarios, creepy characters, and unsettling storylines.

Realistic Sound: The game likely features realistic sound effects that enhance the gameplay experience. Sounds can play a big role in building the game’s atmosphere, especially in horror-themed games.

Dark Storyline: The game is known for its dark and complex storyline. This might involve challenging themes and moral dilemmas, which can make the game more engaging and thought-provoking.

Attractive Storyline: Despite its darkness, the storyline is crafted to be attractive and compelling, drawing players in and keeping them engaged throughout the game.

Language Change: The game might offer options to change the language, making it more accessible to a global audience. This feature allows players from different linguistic backgrounds to enjoy the game in their preferred language.



Pros and Cons of Lost Life APK


  • You get to make choices in the game that change the story, which makes it feel like your own adventure.
  • If you like scary stuff, this game has lots of spooky moments that are exciting.
  • The game can end in many ways depending on what choices you make, so you can play it more than once and see different things happen.
  • The game has stories that make you think hard about what to do, which can be really interesting.
  • The game has good 3D pictures and sounds that make it feel really creepy and real.


  • The game has mature themes and scary parts which are not good for kids.
  • Some people might find the game too scary or disturbing.
  • If the game is only in English, it might be hard for people who speak other languages to play.
  • If you like games with a lot of action, this game might not have enough of that because it’s more about the story.
  • You have to download this game from a website and not an app store, you have to be careful to get it from a safe place.

How To Download and Install Lost Life APK

Here is a simple and step by step guide on how to download and install Lost Life APK on your Android device. Please follow these steps.

Step 1: Find a Reliable Source

Search for a Trusted Website:  Look for a reliable and trusted website that offers to download Lost Life APK file . Be careful, as some sites might have harmful for your files.

Step 2: Download the APK File

Click on the Download Link: Once you find a trusted website, then look for the download link and click on it.

Wait for the Download to Finish: The APK file will start downloading. Now wait until it is completely downloaded.

Step 3: Change Your Phone Settings

Allow Installation from Unknown Sources: Before installing the APK, you need to allow your phone to install apps from sources other than the Google Play Store. Go to your phone’s settings, find the “Security” or “Privacy” settings, and turn on the option to allow installation from unknown sources.

Step 4: Install the APK

Find the Downloaded File: Go to the ‘Downloads’ folder on your phone or wherever your downloads usually go.

Tap on the APK File: Once you find the Lost Life APK file, tap on it to start the installation process.

Follow the Instructions: Your phone will ask for confirmation to install the app. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the installation.

Step 5: Open and Play

Find the Game Icon: Once the installation is complete, you should find the Lost Life game icon on your phone’s home screen or app drawer.

Open the Game: Tap on the icon to open the game and start playing.

Step 6: Safety and Security:

Turn Off Installation from Unknown Sources: For safety, go back to your phone settings and turn off the option to install apps from unknown sources.

FAQ’s Of Lost Life APK

What is Lost Life APK?

It’s a game for Android phones that’s a bit scary. You make choices in the game that change the story.

Is Lost Life APK free?

Yes, you can download and play it for free.

Can I get Lost Life APK on the Google Play Store?

No, you have to download it from a website, not the Google Play Store.

Is it safe to download Lost Life APK?

It can be safe, but you need to make sure you download it from a website that you trust.

What do I need on my phone to play it?

You need an Android phone with enough space and a fairly new version of Android.

Does the game end the same way every time?

No, the game can end in different ways depending on the choices you make.

Is Lost Life APK okay for kids?

No, it’s for older players because it’s scary and has mature themes.

Can I change the language in the game?

It depends on the game. Some versions let you change the language, but others don’t.

Do I need the internet to play?

You need the internet to download the game, but you might not need it to play.

How do I put Lost Life APK on my phone?

First, download the game from a website you trust. Then, change a setting on your phone to allow apps from outside the Google Play Store. Finally, open the file you downloaded to install the game.

Final Thoughts

Lost Life APK is a spooky game for Android phones where your choices change the story. It’s free to download, but you can’t get it from the Google Play Store – you have to find it on a website. Make sure the website you download it from is safe. The game is pretty creepy and has some mature stuff in it, so it’s not for kids. It’s cool because every time you play, the story can end differently based on your choices. You don’t always need the internet to play, but you will need it to download the game. Just remember to change your phone’s settings to allow the game to install after you download it. If you like games that are a bit scary and make you think about your choices, you might really enjoy Lost Life APK.